30 ianuarie 2013

Conferinţă ştiinţifică - Iulian Filip la 65 ani

Institutul de Filologie al AŞM  şi Biblioteca Ştiinţifică Centrală „Andrei Lupan” a AŞM vă invită la Conferinţa ştiinţifică Iulian Filip la 65 de ani, care va avea loc joi, 31 ianuarie 2013, în incinta blocului central al BŞC din strada Academiei 5 a.

În cadrul conferinţei va fi vernisată expoziţia de grafică  şi carte cu genericul  Iulian FILIP – Cezar al cuvântului şi Philippe al imaginii

Începutul activităţii la ora 14:00.

Clipe în imagini

20 ianuarie 2013

UNESCO Celebration of anniversaries in 2013

One of the great women rulers of Africa, Queen Anna Nzinga (circa 1581--1663) of Angola fought against the slave trade and European influence in the seventeenth century. Known for being an astute diplomat and visionary military leader, she resisted Portuguese invasion and slave raids for 30 years.
 A skilled negotiator, she allied herself with the Dutch and pitted them against the Portuguese in an effort to wrest free of Portuguese domination. She fought for a free Angola until her death at age 82, after which weak rulers left the country open for the Portuguese to regain control.
Negotiated with Portuguese Slave Traders
In the late sixteenth century and early seventeenth century, Europeans were negotiating interests in the African slave trade. The Portuguese wanted slaves for their new colony in Brazil. Threatened by English and French interests in northeast Africa, the Portuguese moved their slave-trading activities further south to what is... (read more)